Michael Thomét
Game Designer
My Childhood on the RS Anthony

My Childhood on the RS Anthony was a short exploration of the use of abilities keys in lock-and-key style puzzles. In it, you play a child with latent special abilities living on a research station somewhere in space. The goal of this version is to locate white flowers that give you a new power to use. This version was designed to be used with a controller, but works with keyboard and mouse as well (albeit not as nicely).

This game was developed for Open Studios, a quarterly art exhibition by Arts Division students at the University of California, Santa Cruz. As such, it was intended to be installed with a particular setup, room lighting, and control scheme. That said, it is perfectly playable as-is.

Get the Open Studios version here.

Read my write up on this version and its reception.

My Childhood on the RS Anthony was made using Unity3D.