Michael Thomét
Game Designer
About This Site

This site is built as a repository of my recent work in games. It serves as an interactive portfolio, a résumé, and a presentation of my self.

Forged In Cobalt was designed to work better on slow connections. Additionally, it was created to accomodate those who do not allow JavaScript to run on their devices. JavaScript is ubiquitous in the modern day, but it can cause problems with people in low-access areas, so I set out to create a site that minimalized the use of JavaScript. Other than analytics tracking, this site uses no JavaScript. The shrinking panels on this site are all CSS. The filtered list on the portfolio page is 100% CSS.

For posterity, I have included some of my previous sites here. Some are complete, others are incomplete. NOTE: certain links may not work. NOTE2: These sites may not be mobile-friendly.

The first JavaScript-free site: It's quite bland, and I didn't like that, so that's why I made the current version.

The JavaScript-heavy site before that: This site was me exploring iframes to make a site that never changes from the home page. It is very blue and was needlessly complicated. Originally, the left and right panels were canvases that had some Processing content. This was borne out of taking classes on generative content and I wanted to hide it in the site, but it made the page load time horrendous (this was expected).

A Twine website experiment: I like Twine. I like making Twine do things it's not designed to do. For example, this website that switches between being a portfolio site and a narrative experience. This is one of the few places that I talk at length about my academic writing. I started this site, then realized I was still in grad school for my MFA, and decided that people would find the idea tedious at this level of complexity. This was basically an attempt at taking my previous portfolio to its logical end.

The original portfolio: This is the portfolio I sent to UCSC when I was applying for my MFA. It was done in Twine and features very little styling. This was before I learned much about JavaScript and CSS, and I was still learning how to really use Twine. It's small enough that the kind of narrativizing going on is not as tedious as the next iteration would be.